iMBRA 2018 World Championship Photos

The galleries can be found at the bottom of this page. The galleries are split by date.
Some things to be aware of:
- All the photos are reduced in size for speed of access. The originals are 5472 x 3648 (20mp). For the most part, all these are 800 x 600
- None of the photos have been checked for quality or content. That means there may be some that are completely out of focus, too light or too dark, have an odd colour cast, have half the boat in the picture or some other quality issue
- If the photo(s) you are interested in are in focus but have some other quality issue, then it is probably possible to fix them to an acceptable level in photoshop – The blue colour cast on photos taking in early morning for example is easily fixed, as are overly dark or light images for the most part
- It is also easy to crop the images. For example if the boat is too small relative to the frame. The original image is much larger in size than the ones in these galleries, so you can cut a small section out without too much quality loss
- To request a hi-res version (Maximum 5 per person), please email You must quote the date(s) and image numbers. You can find these by clicking the “i” (info) icon in google photos. If you send a message saying “The blue boat in heat 5” or some other vague description, I cannot help you.
Here’s a couple of examples (click to enlarge):
Sunday 29th July
Monday 30th July
Tuesday 31st July
Wednesday 1st August
Thursday 2nd August
Friday 3rd August
Saturday 4th August H & O Finals
Saturday 4th August H & O Finals pt2
Monday 6th August
Tuesday 7th August
Wednesday 8th August
Thursday 9th August
Thursday 9th August pt2
Friday 10th August
Saturday 11th August Endurance Finals
Saturday 11th August Endurance Finals pt2
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Some real stunners in amongst this lot!